Tag Archives: Goodreads

Book tweets update

Well, after a day of tweeting and following other tweets, I’m starting to see the fun in it. I saw that some of my colleagues were communicating with each other about work via twitter–seems like a neat, efficient way to send strategic communications when working on different service desks. Some tweets are just plain hard to decipher and there are times of the day when the pace picks up so much it is really disorienting to check in if you’ve been away for awhile. I guess that’s where the addictive part of twitter comes in-it’s more fun to stay connected all the time. 

Anyway, someone posted a link (http://tinyurl.com/4lmsfb) to an article about how Goodreads is now offering a twitter feature–very similar to the bookkpr app I posted about yesterday. Except it is even better because everything is tied in with your Goodreads account. Why is Librarything sleeping on this?